TinyButStrong Error CacheSystem plug-in: The cache file './tbscache/cache_search-provision.cpp:81 ios/addappid 9313-1.html' can not be saved.
provision.cpp:81 ios/addappid 9313 :: 哇哇3C日誌


MyipadhadaproblemsoIwentthroughtheprocessagain,butnowIamgettingthefollowingwhenIusetheCydiaImpactor:provision.cpp:81ios/addAppId=9313″,2019年8月19日—file:provision.cpp;line:81;what:ios/addAppId=9313.The'NetworkExtensions'featureisonlyavailabletousersenrolledinApple ...,2021年1月5日—Helloeveryone,todayIgotanerrorwhileinstallinganIPAfileandhereistheerrormessage,.provision.cpp:81ios/addAppId=9313...

iPad 2

My ipad had a problem so I went through the process again, but now I am getting the following when I use the Cydia Impactor: provision.cpp:81 ios/addAppId=9313″

provision.cpp; line

2019年8月19日 — file: provision.cpp; line: 81; what: ios/addAppId =9313. The 'Network Extensions' feature is only available to users enrolled in Apple ...

How to fix Apple's provision.cpp:81 error?

2021年1月5日 — Hello everyone, today I got an error while installing an IPA file and here is the error message,. provision.cpp:81 ios/addAppId=9313″

[HelpSupport] cydia impactor can't install,display the err 81

2018年5月28日 — and I created a new apple account to tried, it seem that doesn't work. provision.cpp:81. ios/addAppId =9313. The 'Network Extensions' feature ...

[HelpSupport] Cydia Impactor

2018年3月30日 — I keep getting this error anything else I nee to try? provision.cpp:81 ios/addAppId =9313. The 'Network Extensions' feature is only available ...

[Question] Cydia impactor Error: provision.cpp

[Question] Cydia impactor Error: provision.cpp:81 ios/addAppId =9313. Solved. Every time I try to side load an ipa with Cydia Impactor I get this error window ...

provision.cpp:81 iosaddAppId =9313 2FA Enabled

[Question] Cydia impactor Error: provision.cpp:81 ios/addAppId =9313 2FA Enabled. Question. I stupidly enabled 2FA(can't be removed) and I can't seem to ...

How to Fix Cydia Impactor Errors [iOS10]

2017年2月25日 — Try turning off Find My iPhone/WiFi. 4. How to fix “provision.cpp:42” error. This error is related to your computer and can be ...

iBlogApple - How to Fix “provision.cpp

Same issue, I have impactor 9.41 New apple. ID and everything………provision.cpp:81 ios/addAppId =9313. The 'Network Extensions' feature is only